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About project
Poster: Innovating Learning Design with the BDP Tool (Divjak, Svetec)
Article: Decoding Learning Design Decisions: A Cluster Analysis of 12,749 Teaching and Learning Activities (Albuquerque, Rienties, Divjak)
Article: The Impact of Learning Design on the Mastery of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education (Divjak, Barthakur, Kovanović, Svetec)
Article: Prioritizing Learning Outcomes in Different Learning Design Contexts (Divjak, Svetec, Rienties, Astles, Matthews, Tillmann, Eichhorn, Schmitt)
Book chapter: Applying and Translating Learning Design and Analytics Approaches Across Borders (Rienties, Balaban, Divjak, Grabar, Svetec, Vondra)
Blazenka Divjak, Bart Rienties, Josmario Albuquerque: Applying and translating learning design and analytics approaches in your institution
Bart Rienties: Implementing learning analytics and learning design at scale, EDUtech Asia 2023 Conference Day
Article: Enhancing Learning Design through User Experience Research: Insights from a Survey in Four European Countries (Divjak, Bađari, Grabar, Horvat, Rienties, Vondra)
Poster: Exploring Open Questions in Balanced Design Planning: Leveraging Design Analytics and AI to Advance Learning Design in the Business Sector (Divjak, Vondra, Grabar)
Official project poster
Official project brochure
Official project logo - full
Intellectual outputs
Report on Interoperability Requirements
Conclusions and Recommendations on Implementation of Authentic Learning Scenarios
Exemplars of Authentic Learning Scenarios in Virtual and Blended Learning Environments
Questionnaire: Evaluation of the BDP tool
Research Protocol: Upgrading the Learning Design Concept & Tool
Project analytics
Project duration
Project achievements
Work Packages
WP1: Project Management
WP2: Upgrading the LD concept & tool
WP3: Validating LD in authentic online and blended L&T environments, based on LOs and using LA inventory (methods & tools)
WP4: Using LD to support the implementation of innovative digital pedagogies in course restructuring/enhancement/improvement
WP5: Enhancing digital pedagogy competences of teachers through open educational resources